Tuesday, November 8, 2022

4K News for November 7, 2022

Hello 4K Families

Last week was a wild week. It is always fun for the kids when the week starts with a fun day like Halloween.

This week, we are working on letters Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, and Ss. We will be continuing with the letter of the day Sesame Street podcasts.

We have finished up our shapes books and now, with our next work book, we are starting numbers 0-10. That should be fun. We have been out of our regular routine lately, but the kids have been doing a good job. 

We are working on putting toys away when done playing with them and not saving all the clean up for the end. The kids are beginning to see that is much more manageable to clean up the room as we go. 

We have been practicing our class mission/promise. Here is it:

            We promise to follow our rules, use nice hands, and share with our friends at school.  We will play kindly with our friends and clean up after ourselves to keep our classroom a nice place to learn. 

Please remember that this Friday is the last day to hand in the PTO fundraiser envelopes.  I will be checking backpacks and folders Friday. 

Miss Gilding

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