Wednesday, December 13, 2023

4K Newsletter for December 11-15

 Hi 4K Families,

This week is going by so fast! I can't believe it is already Wednesday and this is the first chance I am getting to write the newsletter. 

This week, we are finishing up the presents the kids are making for you. It is a nice holiday keepsake with their smiling face. They will bring it home Monday. 

In literacy, we are focusing on Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, and Oo this week.  The animals we learn about are koala, lion, manatee, newt, and otter. Today we learned that manatees eat a lot of sand in with their food because of where they live and because of that their teeth wear down. When that happens, the teeth fall out and new teeth emerge. This happens for their whole lives.  Imagine how busy the manatee tooth fairy is!

We have been working on practicing writing lots of words, letters, and most importantly their students have been writing their names.  Please continue to practice this at home.  Have your child write their name and then say the letters in their name in order.  It really helps them to have those special anchor letters from their name when they are learning the alphabet. 

Thanks for reading and I hope you are enjoying all the places our elf has been hanging out in the room!

I did want to say that a couple of parents requested that I make an Amazon wish list and so I did. There is a link to it on my webpage. Thanks to those parents for the idea. I would never have thought of it on my own. 

Miss Gilding

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