Tuesday, December 6, 2022

4K News for December 5-9, 2022

Hi 4K Families!

This week should be exciting. We are working through letters Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, and Jj this week. Our Animal Alphabet workbook includes flamingos, grasshoppers, hippos, iguanas, and jellyfish. We are having a good time with this and learning new things about so many animals. On Monday, we learned that flamingos are pink because of the natural dye in the food they eat. (I told the kids about the time my aunt turned my baby cousin orange because she only would eat baby food carrots and sweet potatoes.)

Report cards are coming soon and I have been checking skills. It is so fun to see how well everyone is doing. One of the math expectations for 4K is to be able to count to 20.  A fun song we use to do this is on YouTube.  Here is the link if you want to listen and count at home. 


We are also working on a special photo gift/ornament to bring home for parents/families.  They are being creative and it is turning out adorably.  They look super sweet!  (That is a hint.)

Thanks for checking in and remember if you have any questions or anything to tell me, send me a seesaw message.  Also don't forget to check seesaw for updates of our class Shelf Elf.  His name is Grognack the Barbarian and he is pretty cute in his bomber jacket. 

Miss Gilding

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