Tuesday, January 3, 2023

4K News January 3-6, 2023

 Happy New Year 4K Families!

The new January Reading/Homework pack is coming home in the folders Tuesday - today. If you have the December one completed, please send it to school when you can. Thank you so much for helping with this district-wide parent engagement effort.  

During January, we will be really focussing on writing our names. This is homework and school work. During the month of January, please have your child practice writing their name each day. I will be sending a fun name writing homework page next week, so be looking for that in the folders. 

This week we are doing letters Ss, Tt, Uu, and Vv. We will be learning about the seahorse, turtle, urchin, and vulture and writing words that begin with those letters. The kids are doing great with this alphabet work. When the whole class learns the alphabet, we will have an alphabet party. We are at 13/30 kids who know all the letters as of December, we are getting close to half way.  Hopefully we can reach our goal before the end of the year. 

In math, we continue to count to 20 and beyond, count objects, and practice shapes and colors. We will also be measuring using cubes this month.  So Fun!

Thanks for reading, and of course, if you have any questions, don't forget to send me a message in the seesaw app. 

Miss Gilding

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