Tuesday, February 7, 2023

4K News February 6-10, 2023

Hi 4K Families!

We have a short week, but we will be busy doing lots of fun stuff.  We are covering letters Pp, Qq, Rr, and Ss this week. We are on our fourth time through the alphabet and everyone is doing such a great job. Really working hard to try to earn that alphabet celebration.  

In math, we are continuing to compare items. (More/Less, Big/Small, Heavy/Light) The kids do such a great job at work time. It is really amazing! They are also doing a wonderful job writing numbers.

Remember that Valentine's Day is coming up next week and we will share Valentine's during a special valentine's/snack time. If you want to send Valentines, please remember they should only have your child's name on them. That makes them easier to pass out.  The morning class has 17 students and the afternoon class has 13. 

We have started a new "sign in" chart for each day. This gives the kids a another opportunity to write their name each day and they can start to recognize their classmates names. It will also help them with counting and number recognition. We started last Friday and the kids really liked it. Here is the chart when it is blank. 

Thanks for reading! Here's to a great week!
Miss Gilding

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