Monday, March 18, 2024

4K Newsletter for March 18-April 2

4K Families,

We are doing such a great job in 4K in so many areas.  The kids are getting really great at knowing their letters and the sounds. 89% of the total AM and PM kids are exceeding the end of the year expectations right now!  Way to go! We have started learning sight words and talking about how to make three letter words like cat, mom, dad, pig, yes, etc. We call these CVC words. (consonant, vowel, consonant) 

This week we are doing letters Ss, Tt, Uu, and Vv. 4K doesn't have school on Friday because it is a half day, so we only have 4 letters this week. The kids are doing great this month with the letters and have really made leaps and bounds in their learning. 

I am sending home a letter today from the PTO talking about the solar eclipse that is on April 8, 2024. The shadow will be coming near Wisconsin, but will be farther south in Illinois, coming across the country below the southern most tip of Lake Michigan. This will be happening in the PM and therefore the AM class will not be here. They will be giving everyone glasses, so I am sending the note home in case you wanted to donate a dollar to offset the cost of all the glasses. 

I am also sending home the class composite photo from school picture day. This is the class picture that will also be in the year book. I will write their name on the clear sleeve it is in so they don't get mixed up at school. I will save the ones for absent students, of course. 

Thanks for reading the newsletter!  Have a great short week and a nice spring break. 

Miss Gilding

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