Tuesday, March 14, 2023

4K Newsletter for March 13-17, 2023

 Hello 4K Families!

Great news about the math challenge!  We are winning! We have to keep up our average. We have a class average of 10.2 tickets per child. We had 306 tickets last week and we have 174 already this week.  We are about double the second place class who has 5.3 tickets per child average. 

We have had some extra opportunities to do in-class challenge work to earn some tickets at school this week. Next week there is a short week, so I will be sending the math packets home on Thursday this week again. Even though we won't be at school on the 24th and the other grades will, hopefully we can still pull out a win. There will be extra ticket packs again next week for people who want to do more than just the 8. 

On Thursday, March 23, there will be a magician show in the afternoon from 2:00 to 3:00. All PM kids will attend. Morning kids are invited back with a parent to come see the show with the rest of the school. If you are able to come back, you should arrive 5 minutes early and please let me know by Wednesday if you are coming so that they can have enough seating available. Also, you will need to bring your license to be able to check in at the office. 

Friday, March 24 is a 1/2 day for the older students, and the 4K kids don't have school. 

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