Tuesday, September 19, 2023

4K Newsletter for September 18, 2023

 4K Families

We are having a very good start to 4K this year. The kids are getting to know each other, working together, and having fun playing during playtime and recess. It is always fun to meet so many new friends. 

This week, we are covering letters Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, and Mm. The kids are doing a very good job getting used to the alphabet routine and singing the songs. They are also getting very good at the routine of the whole 4K day. I am really happy to see them all learning so quickly!  They really are amazing. 

In our workbook this month, we are working on tracing and following directions. Each day, we work on being brave and trying to write a letter or letters, a number or numbers, or a word. We say that it's ok if it doesn't look perfect, but it's important to try. The kids get a sticker, a stamp, or a star for doing a good try. I have been seeing a lot of great tries the last two weeks! 

Please remember to contact me if you have any questions. 

Thanks for reading!

Miss Gilding

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