Tuesday, September 26, 2023

4K Newsletter for September 25, 2023

 4K Families,

We are in the last week of September.  This week we are doing letters Nn, Oo, Pp, Qq, and Rr. We will also be finishing up our tracing work book and bringing it home. Next month (next week) we will start a shapes book. 

Next week, on Monday, I will be checking folders for the September Parent Engagement homework packet and putting the October Packet in the folders on that day. Please make sure it is finished and you sign each page. Thanks for your help with that part of our 4K program. 

Now that both classes have had library, please make sure you send your child's library book back to school before their library day. It makes it easier for them. Sometimes they get sad if everyone else gets a new book and they don't.  The AM class library day is on Tuesday, and the PM class day is on Wednesday. 

The class schedule it located on the class schedule page at missgilding.com if you forget your day.

Thanks again for all you do!

Miss Gilding

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