Sunday, September 10, 2023

Dear 4K Families,

We had a great first three days of school. The kids were doing a great job having fun with new friends, following directions, and learning how we do things in 4K. We started the alphabet on the first day with letter A. We practice the whole alphabet each day (with a youtube video I made) while also focussing on one letter each day.  Last week, we did letters Aa, Bb, and Cc. We also started a tracing workbook that helps students understand left to right and top to bottom to help make writing letters and words easier. The books we will use this year come from and your child can also login to education dot com to play learning games from a device at home.  The directions are on my webpage on the tab. 

Both classes had some of music, gym, and art, and this week they will have all three. The week after, we will start library class. They will be bringing home a library book each week. 

Please make sure that you are connected to seesaw so that you can contact me if there is a change in plans for pick up or something else you want me to know. The link was sent out in a message before school started, but if you need the link again, don't hesitate to send me an email at

Thanks for reading!

Miss Gilding


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